About Us

"A restaurant, yes, a restaurant -- that’s what I want. I want to offer the people a different approach to Thai food similar to how it is in Thailand, where customers see how the food is cooked before it is delivered to the table".
That was Anukul Phanoong’s strongest desire and every day conversation with his now business partner Chef Nestor Felix while working in his Thai food truck around the Bay Area. They explored different venues, coming into contact with different customers every day, always delivering fresh made to order traditional Thai dishes with smiles on their faces.

With a passion for the culture and a bag full of dreams, Anukul Phanoong left his home town of Mea Sot in northern Thailand at a very young age, with the purpose of creating a better life for himself and his large family. He headed to Chiang Mai for college, where he worked different jobs while studying. Ranging from a tourist guide, a waiter, and cook, Anukul made traditional Thai dishes in the wilderness for hikers from around the world that were looking to explore a different side of the Thai culture and the beauty of the countryside.
After graduating from college, Anukul went to work for a well-known Thai silk manufacture causing a relocation to Bangkok, where Anukul was exposed to the bustling city life. This begun his introduction to street food stands from every single province of Thailand along the alleys, roads, and corners of the big city. Eating at the street food stands like most of the people in Bangkok, it became apart of his daily life and further increased his deep passion for food.